In Vignola, ASP Terre di Castelli, a public organisation offering services to individuals, has recently launched an innovative project to promote training for nursing home staff using a tailor-made learning game for adults developed by Sylvie Schoch.

The game, based on real events involving nursing home staff and residents, has made it possible to highlight the good practices of our profession and suggest continuous improvements through a game-based approach and collaboration. The aim is to help each other and grow together as a team.

When adults learn using games, their motivation, involvement and depth of learning increase. The game avoids defensive mechanisms and by lowering defences it allows for intensive learning processes and behavioural change. Furthermore, the immediate feedback given to staff and the fact that their progress is monitored have meant that the learning game has also increased people’s ability and willingness to collaborate and work as a team, thus improving their overall well-being at work.

Thanks to Sylvie’s helpfulness and professionalism, the project has received excellent feedback from the staff who participated in the learning sessions with the game.

This tool has a lot of interesting potential and now it is up to us to continue using it as Sylvie has taught us, involving more and more people and making it part of our training routine.

Marco Franchini, Managing Director of ASP Unione Terre di Castelli
